Links and images

Links and images Links and images

Hyperlink in Markdown use the following syntax:


The <link-text> is the text that’s displayed in the rendered output. The <link-url> is the URL to a web page or file. For example:

You can find the source files for the PowerShell documentation at

Is rendered as:

You can find the source files for the PowerShell documentation at PowerShell-Docs.


You can insert images in Markdown using a modified form of the hyperlink syntax. The syntax is:


The <alt-text> is the text that is displayed if the image cannot be loaded. The <image-url> is the URL that points to the image file. For example:

This is an image of thethe PowerShell Hero: ![PowerShell Hero](pshero-110x110.png)

Renders as:

This is an image of thethe PowerShell Hero: PowerShell Hero PowerShell Hero