
Headings Headings

The Markdown specification provides two ways to create headings.

ATX style headings provide the most flexibility and are the most commonly used. Setext headings are more limited and have problems in some Markdown parsers.

ATX headings are created by prefixing the heading text with one or more # characters. The number of # characters determines the heading level. For example, # Heading 1 creates a level 1 heading, ## Heading 2 creates a level 2 heading, and so on.

For example:

# Title (H1)

## Heading (H2)

### Subheading 1 (H3)

#### Subheading 2 (H4)

##### Subheading 3 (H5)

###### Subheading 4 (H6)

Renders as:

Title (H1)

Heading (H2)

Subheading 1 (H3)

Subheading 2 (H4)

Subheading 3 (H5)
Subheading 4 (H6)