Creating documentation for your PowerShell module

About this web site

This web site was created to host the content for a workshop created for PowerShell on the River 2023. The site was built using the same techniques discussed in the workshop.

Go beyond comment-based help. Bring your own module and learn how to create the documentation to support it.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • The basics of writing in Markdown
  • How to use Git/GitHub for source control
  • Understanding the Help System
    • How to create help content in Markdown using PlatyPS
    • How to support Get-Help -Online for your cmdlets
    • How to support Update-Help for your module
  • How to publish your module to the PowerShell Gallery
  • How to publish your documentation to a website (

About the authors

This workshop was created by Mike F. Robbins and Sean Wheeler.

Mike F. Robbins - Senior Content Developer for Azure PowerShell
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Mike F. Robbins is the lead technical writer for Azure PowerShell at Microsoft and a former Microsoft MVP. He is a PowerShell SME, automator, efficiency expert, lifelong learner, and a published author:

Sean Wheeler - Principal Content Developer for PowerShell
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Sean Wheeler is the lead documentarian for PowerShell at Microsoft. For nearly 25 years at Microsoft, Sean has taught many workshops on scripting, debugging, and advanced troubleshooting. Using his scripting expertise, he created tools to help customers collect and analyze data used to support and optimize their environments.


The authors would like to thank Mikey Lombardi for his help with Hugo and GitHub Pages.