Hugo themes

Hugo themes Hugo themes

Adding a theme to a Hugo site involves several steps, but I’ll break it down to make it easy for you. Here’s how you can add a theme to a Hugo site:

Choose a theme

You can find Hugo themes at Hugo Themes. Once you’ve picked a theme you like, make a note of its GitHub repository URL.

Install the theme

You can add the theme to your Hugo site by cloning the theme’s repository into the themes/ directory of your site:


For example, if you wanted to use the ananke theme, you would do:

git clone themes/ananke

Update the configuration

Edit your config.toml (or config.yaml or config.json, depending on which format you’ve chosen) and add or update the theme variable to match the theme’s directory name:

theme = "THEME_NAME"

For our example with ananke, it would be:

theme = "ananke"

Adjust for the theme’s specific settings

Many themes come with their own specific settings, shortcodes, or archetypes. You’ll want to read the theme’s documentation to understand any additional configuration or content structure that’s expected.

You might need to:

  • Adjust site parameters.
  • Add menu items.
  • Set up taxonomies.
  • Add content to specific sections.

Preview Your site

To preview your site with the new theme, you can run Hugo’s built-in server:

hugo server

Now, you can open your browser to http://localhost:1313/ to see your site in action.

Customize the theme

If you wish to modify the theme, you can do so by copying the relevant files from the theme’s directory into your main site directory and modifying them there. This allows you to update the theme in the future without overwriting your customizations.