Install Hugo

Install Hugo Install Hugo

Hugo is cross-platform and can be installed on Windows, Linux, macOS, and other operating systems. Here’s how you can install Hugo on these various platforms:


Install Hugo using Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. If you don’t have Homebrew installed, you can get it from Once Homebrew is installed, run the following command to install Hugo extended:

brew install hugo


Install Hugo using Winget. Winget is a package manager for Windows. If you don’t have Winget installed, see Install Winget.

winget install Hugo.Hugo.Extended


On Linux, Hugo can be installed through package managers or via a snap package.

sudo snap install hugo

Verify installation

After installation, you can verify that Hugo was installed correctly:

hugo version

This should show the installed version of Hugo.

Remember, Hugo has two variants: one with and one without extended features (like SASS/SCSS support). If you need the extended features, get the ’extended’ version from the releases page or install it according to the platform instructions.