Module manifest metadata

Module manifest metadata Module manifest metadata

The PowerShell Gallery provides information to gallery users drawn from metadata fields that are included in the script or module manifest. Creating or modifying items for publication to the PowerShell Gallery has a small set of requirements for information supplied in the item manifest.

When you create a module manifest using New-ModuleManifest the cmdlet prepopulates the PSData hashtable with placeholder keys that are needed when publishing the module to the PowerShell Gallery.

Required metadata

  • Module Name - Based on the name of the .PSD1 file
  • Version - format should follow SemVer guidelines
  • Author - name of the author/owner
  • Description - briefly explain what the module does and any requirements it has
  • PSData.ProjectUri - a link your source code
  • PSData.LicenseUri - a link to the license for your code
  • PSData.Tags - tags indicating PSEdition and platform support, and other keywords

Ownership recommendations

Authors and owners of PowerShell Gallery items are related concepts, but don’t always match. Item owners are users with PowerShell Gallery accounts that have permission to maintain the item. There may be many owners who can update an item.

  • Have multiple owners, with at least one being the name of the team that produces the item
  • Have the Author be a well-known team name within your organization

For more information, see the following articles: