
This page contains links to the PowerPoint presentations and demo scripts used in the workshop.

PowerPoint presentations

Source code


    This zip file contains the source code for the ManageIssues module. Besides the source for the module, this archive includes:

    • build.ps1 - the script that builds the module and publishes it to the PowerShell Gallery
    • makedocs.ps1 - the script that generates the help files for the module

    This zip file contains the demo script and GitHub action we used to create the Hugo website.

    • hugo.ps1 - the script that creates the Hugo website. This script is not designed to be run directly. It is a runbook containing code for the steps to create the site. Some steps have example code snippets for different operating systems.
    • hugo.yaml - the GitHub action that builds the static website and deploys it to GitHub pages. This file gets installed by one of the steps in the hugo.ps1 script.